Karla's Musings

Jobs? Where? Who?

Local, state and federal budget deficits will seriously impede summer employment for students according to a study published by SHRM.  Young job seekers will compete with recent college graduates and older workers supplementing their retirement incomes.  Job prospects in the private sector are a little better. 

However, there has been a flurry of increased hiring of people with disabilities in the federal government due to an Executive Order that requires such agencies to hire 100,000 workers with disabilities.

Employers can receive assistance with recruiting and hiring students with disabilities by accessing the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) and Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD).

The GOP continues to seek regulatory reform while keeping Americans safe and providing jobs and exporting goods.   Increased regulations are plentiful and so are the complaints from businesses.   Small businesses are opposing the April 2010 Obama Executive Order 13502 which encourages and authorizes use of union-only employees on federal construction projects.  The Frank-Dodd Act and the new Bureau it created has unprecedented authority to regulate financial entities for years to come.       (SHRM Weekly Update March 28, 2011)