Wright Consulting

We help organizations by:

  • Improving operational processes.
  • Identifying problems and solutions quickly and systematically.
  • Reducing waste and cycle time.
  • Providing companies with work analysis methods and tools.
  • Equipping employees with needed problem solving, communication and collaboration skills.
  • Enabling owners, managers and supervisors with necessary leadership competencies.
  • Facilitating performance improvement activities with individuals, teams and total organizations.
  • Advising managers on effective employee recognition and reward practices.

Thanks to globalization and rapid advances in technology, today’s workplace is increasingly competitive, always changing and sometimes chaotic. Employers need to stay focused on finding better ways to provide products and services. Workforce demographics and worker needs are shifting. Employers who recognize and adjust to these changes will be better prepared to compete and, ultimately, be successful.

We believe in taking a systemic view. As the saying goes “Joe’s solution is Mary’s problem.” Organizations are complex systems that affect the performance of individuals, teams and the whole organization.

We love analysis. We’ve learned how to harness analysis and not let it control us. Sound analysis is a must to understand situations. If we jump to solutions before understanding root cause, we will probably revisit the same problem or its cousin again.

We realize that decisions must be made quickly to compete in today’s environment — and if we dilly dally too long in the analysis phase we may lose our customer. We believe in developing and educating employees toward a state of profound knowledge so employees closest to the customer can make wise choices quickly.

As much as we love analysis, we love people even more! Without people there is no business. We believe in utilizing every ounce of capability within people. We know from research that people need to feel useful and valued. So let’s do it. All of our performance improvement and productivity enhancement strategies recognize the human side of the equation.

The Bottom Line: It used to be okay to tally up costs, slap on a profit margin and set price. Not any more. Today’s competitive environment requires us to control costs by continuously improving performance so we can be price competitive and provide a satisfactory financial return to owners.

We can help. Been there. Done that!